Sunday, February 27, 2011

A change in Marketing, means a change in the process.

       We’ve come a long way from the days of radio and television advertisement. Marketers have definitely been presented with a challenge with the inevitable popularity of technology, more specifically the fame of the internet. E-marketing has been born and it’s here to stay. There’s new ways to think about the ever-present process of decision making and numerous ways to reach a bigger public than ever before. The use of e-marketing has been a stroke of genius as we keep moving forward in a technologically driven world. Using online resources to contact consumers on an enhanced level and helping improve the decision making process has given retailers the upper hand in getting ahead of the traditional competition. There’s definitely been a shift in the way how people buy as a direct result of e-marketing.

       As I read Anthony Miyazaki’s blog, he posed a question that really made focus on these changes. He made me realize how I, as a consumer, as well as a person that works for a retailer like Best Buy, have developed a whole new set of behaviors as a result of e-marketing, therefore causing the shift in our decision making process. I thought to myself just how much I’ve changed when making a purchase. I used to just go to the store and spend quite some time looking at the selection of products. It was difficult for me to choose anything, aside from being an indecisive person, because I lacked information and reviews that are now, only two clicks away. In my job as a sales associate, I’m constantly referring customers that are not 100% sure or ready to make a purchase to go the store website to get better informed about the available pricing, the product/service information and of course, read reviews of fellow real life people about the products that they intend to buy. I myself don’t go anywhere or make a purchase unless I’ve researched my options to make sure that I’m making the best decision as well as reducing any risks. I want to make sure that I’m getting the best experience with price, quality of product, customer service and of course make sure I’m making the best decision. E-marketing has made an impact on the way we make decisions because it has provided us with convenience and even solutions. E-marketing allows for people to become aware of the things that they need or may want with a simple status update or email. Those simple actions also make it easy for the consumer to begin the journey of the decision making process and ultimately get what they need in an efficient and valuable manner.

       E-marketing will continue to change and shape the way we decide on our ways of consumption there’s no denying it. It’s interesting to maybe see how maybe a year or two from now, e-marketing will impact the decision making process yet again through new technologies and innovations.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Social Media needs to be, well, social.

It seems like everyone is getting involved.  At least the majority of the population either has a facebook, twitter, youtube account or even a tumblr. These sites have changed our society and exceeded any expectations we could have had 5 years ago. Not only is your mother on facebook, but so is your favorite retailer ranging from clothing stores to travel agencies. Not only does your mom try to make you feel special on facebook, but so are your favorite stores and brands.  According to Michael Stelzner, the author of “The Social Media Industry Report,” those brands that participate in social media marketing are generating exposure for the company; they’re increasing traffic and are helping to create “new business partnerships” and they’re all trying to do this by engaging you while you’re online.
            Out of the numerous users of this relatively new wave of technology, many of them are marketers. 91% of them stated that they were employing social media for marketing purposes.
This is a pretty great strategy for any business to use simply because of the fact that nowadays we spend most of our free time on these social sites. Michael Stelzner discovered that more than 50% of "marketers were also using social media about 6 hours or more each week." Many of the folks I know spend that kind of time just scrolling through their facebook, twitter and tumblr feeds; this is time where they are solely focused on the content that appears through these venues. However, it’s only the more creative and interactive brands that really manage to captivate our attention and really make us their consumers. Those brands that are really active with their online media presence through the use of social networking sites such as twitter, are already learning to cater to a more customized experience. However, just because a company has a fan page to be “liked” or an account to be followed doesn’t mean that they’re going to continue to stay on top of the social media game.
            As Anthony Miyazaki shared in his blog, social media is more than just liking a page and getting followers. Companies and brands need to be able to connect with their audience on a more personal and approachable level. The reason we as people even join these sites is to stay connected, it’s the main purpose of Facebook altogether. We “like” pages and “follow” brands or companies because yes, we like their product, but because we hope to be appreciated for choosing to spend our sometimes not dispensable income on their products and services. We all like to be acknowledged when we do something good, in this case, when we shop with a certain brand.  For example, the radio station Y100 right here in South Florida. They are always engaging their listeners to have discussions on their pages, they also do numerous contests to make sure that fans are continuing to listen and they’re actually pretty excellent about response to their listeners. I had won a contest with them where I won tickets to a concert. The concert happen to land on a Saturday and the day that I was able to pick up the tickets was the day before, however it was also a holiday weekend and was unsuccessful to get them at the station before they were out for the weekend. If it wasn’t because of twitter and them being able to directly address my situation I would have been a very angry and resentful listener, however, one of the radio hosts was so incredibly attentive and responsive via that she was able to make sure I attended the concert even during the holiday weekend. I was so blown away with their prompt response and genuine concern for my situation I am forever a fan of the radio station and any of the events they promote. I constantly share with my friends and followers to also follow them on facebook and twitter because I know they care about their audience. I definitely felt like I was valued as a person and not just as radio listener. The brand or company not only needs to have a good following but also needs to have good interaction. The good thing about social media is that it’s no longer just a one way street of information. There are now two entities partaking in conversation, getting to know one another. All we need as humans is just that connection, so once companies go that extra step, the social in social media will indeed prove true.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

There’s an app for that! - A glimpse into the future of payments.

In the recent years technology has progressed at an unimaginable rate. It seems that not long ago I got my very first cell flip cell phone in 10th grade. I could have never imagined having the opportunity to listen to music, take a picture, check my email, make a post about what I’m doing or make a video that would go viral in days on one device. Innovation in mobile technology has definitely taken a more modern turn just in time for the New Year. Aside from all the new smart phones available, the new variety of applications that run on them is ever growing.
Applications, or apps as everyone knows them, are making life not only entertaining, but ever more convenient. There isn’t a day that everyone doesn’t use an app to do something online, be that tweeting, uploading a picture to Facebook, finding a new random place to eat or planning the perfect date that’s right for your budget, and preference. Now, even the Starbucks coffee lovers can enjoy the times and reap the benefits of being modern coffee drinkers and loyal customers. Earlier this year Starbucks introduced a new way for it’s customers to pay for their caffeine fixes with the use of something the majority of the population already has, a smart phone. The service is already available on Blackberry, iPhones and iPod touch and soon to join them, android.
However, with every step forward, there sometimes are a few steps back. This new technology claims to be faster than using cash or cards; however, one could argue it takes the same amount of time to look for a wallet in a purse that it takes to look for a phone. One could also say it takes the same amount of time to swipe a card than it does to scan a barcode. Time isn’t the only thing of question. Security and privacy always remain a topic of concern when it comes to linking things with your bank and credit card accounts. Being someone that recently had to deal with fraudulent charges on my credit card account, having yet another thing to worry about getting hacked is a little overwhelming. As a response many say that if your phone were stolen, that wouldn’t really matter because the phone could be password protected. The password protected solution is only a minor response, as I’m sure to an experienced identity thief, can be merely a bump in the road to creating some serious damage to your financial state. If they happen to find your phone and be Starbucks fanatics, they might be drinking the good stuff on your dime.
I think only time will tell just how ready we as users and companies are to accept and perfect the future way of experiencing the shopping process. According to, just in 2010 alone consumers spent $3.4 billion dollars on purchases made through their phone. That’s only based on the fact that this technology is still fairly new and has yet to be implemented for all types of purchases and retailers. We already do most of our functions on the go and why not with something we can’t seem to live without? It seems promising for everyone seeing that every day we use our mobile phones for everything more and more.
It’s certainly an interesting direction to look forward to even if you’re a coffee fanatic or not, I guess the only other concern is if you have enough money in your accounts to do all of this shopping. And of course if your favorite store already has an app to help you spend that paycheck.